Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The purpose of the blog

Sometimes you want to watch a past Sentai, but you put it off because there are so many fucking filler episodes or you just don't have the time to watch 50 episodes or more.

In this blog you will find a Fast Track Viewing list of each Super Sentai Season.  A list where only important episodes that deal with the overall progression of the rangers were shown. Skipping all standalone non important episodes.

I consider important episodes to be:

- Season premiere and finale (Obviously)
-Major story arcs introduced
-New Weapons
-New Powers
-Villein/hero/sidekick death 
-New rangers
-New Mecha/Zords
-Character leaves
-A friend of the rangers or family member it's introduced.
- New Mecha combinations (Example: The one that was the arm now it's the leg, and the leg is now the arm)
 -Cameos or team ups with past rangers. (Not the vs movies, talking about within the season chapters)

 Remember:  ShoutFactory has released subbed on DVD all Super Sentai from Jetman to Ninpuu Sentai Hurricanger.  They also have these seasons available for streaming on their official website.

Episodes titles and the source for the information used to determine which episodes are filler comes from Ranger Wiki.


  1. You're doing God's work here, my friend, keep going.

    1. Thanks for your comments! The blog is still active, I just took a small break, but a new filler will come out soon

  2. I love the idea & hope you're able to keep going, although I'd be careful with using just RangerWiki, as for older/less popular Sentai shows, they tend to skim or flat out ignore episodes even if they're crucial.
    Glad to see this continue though!
