Monday, April 15, 2019

Samurai Sentai Shinkenger fast track watch list

A list with the episodes that matter from Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. 

These episodes are the ones that are important because they introduce a villain, death of a villain, death of a ranger or someone important to the show, family member of a ranger, weapon, mecha/zord, ranger, powerups/new form, an important character leaves the show, or a recurring character. 

From 49 episodes Shinkenger has in total  we cut it to just 33 episodes. Fast track your way through the season by just watching these episodes:

Act 1: The Gallant Appearance of the Five Samurai (伊達姿五侍 Date Sugata Go Samurai)
Act 2: The Stylish Combination (極付粋合体 Kiwametsuki Ikina Gattai)
Act 5: The Kabuto Origami (兜折神 Kabuto Origami)
Act 7: Marlin Fishing (舵木一本釣 Kajiki Ippontsuri)
Act 8: The Brides are Spirited Away (花嫁神隠 Hanayome Kamikakushi)
Act 9: The Tiger's Rebellion (虎反抗期 Tora no Hankōki)
Act 10: The Great Sky Combination (大天空合体 Daitenkū Gattai)
Act 11: A Threefold Strife (三巴大騒動 Mitsudomoe Ōsōdō)
Act 12: The Very First Super Samurai Combination
Act 17: The Sushi Samurai (寿司侍 Sushi Samurai)
Act 18: Samurai Promotion (侍襲名 Samurai Shūmei)
Act 20: The Ebi Origami's Transformation (海老折神変化 Ebi Origami Henge)
Act 21: The Father and Son Bears (親子熊 Oyakoguma)
Act 22: Lord Butler (殿執事 Tono Shitsuji)
Act 23: The Rampaging Gedoushu (暴走外道衆 Bōsō Gedōshū)
Act 24: The True Samurai Combination (真侍合体 Shin Samurai Gattai)
Act 25: The Dream World (夢世界 Yume Sekai)
Act 26: Decisive Match Number One (決戦大一番 Kessen Ōichiban)
Act 28: The Lantern Samurai (提灯侍 Chōchin Samurai)
Act 32: The Ushi Origami (牛折神 Ushi Origami)
Act 33: The Great Bull King (猛牛大王 Mōgyūdaiō)
Act 34: Fatherly Love, Girlish Innocence (親心娘心 Oyagokoro Musumegokoro)
Act 35: The Eleven Origami, The Complete Combination (十一折神全合体 Jūichi Origami Zen Gattai)
Act 39: The Very Urgent First Aid Emergency (救急緊急大至急 Kyūkyū Kinkyū Daishikyū)
Act 40: The Honorable Leader Heads to the Front Lines (御大将出陣 Ontaishō Shutsujin)
Act 42: Two Centuries' Ambition (二百年野望 Nihyakunen no Yabō)
Act 43: One Last Sword (最後一太刀 Saigo no Hitotachi)
Act 44: The Eighteenth Head of the Shiba House (志葉家十八代目当主 Shiba Ke Jūhachidaime Tōshu)
Act 45: The Impersonator (影武者 Kagemusha)
Act 46: The Showdown Clash (激突大勝負 Gekitotsu Ōshōbu)
Act 47: Bonds (絆 Kizuna)
Act 48: The Final Great Decisive Battle (最後大決戦 Saigo no Daikessen)
Closing Act: The Samurai Sentai is Eternal (侍戦隊永遠 Samurai Sentai Eien ni)
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger was adapted as Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai