Monday, April 15, 2019

Samurai Sentai Shinkenger fast track watch list

A list with the episodes that matter from Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. 

These episodes are the ones that are important because they introduce a villain, death of a villain, death of a ranger or someone important to the show, family member of a ranger, weapon, mecha/zord, ranger, powerups/new form, an important character leaves the show, or a recurring character. 

From 49 episodes Shinkenger has in total  we cut it to just 33 episodes. Fast track your way through the season by just watching these episodes:

Act 1: The Gallant Appearance of the Five Samurai (伊達姿五侍 Date Sugata Go Samurai)
Act 2: The Stylish Combination (極付粋合体 Kiwametsuki Ikina Gattai)
Act 5: The Kabuto Origami (兜折神 Kabuto Origami)
Act 7: Marlin Fishing (舵木一本釣 Kajiki Ippontsuri)
Act 8: The Brides are Spirited Away (花嫁神隠 Hanayome Kamikakushi)
Act 9: The Tiger's Rebellion (虎反抗期 Tora no Hankōki)
Act 10: The Great Sky Combination (大天空合体 Daitenkū Gattai)
Act 11: A Threefold Strife (三巴大騒動 Mitsudomoe Ōsōdō)
Act 12: The Very First Super Samurai Combination
Act 17: The Sushi Samurai (寿司侍 Sushi Samurai)
Act 18: Samurai Promotion (侍襲名 Samurai Shūmei)
Act 20: The Ebi Origami's Transformation (海老折神変化 Ebi Origami Henge)
Act 21: The Father and Son Bears (親子熊 Oyakoguma)
Act 22: Lord Butler (殿執事 Tono Shitsuji)
Act 23: The Rampaging Gedoushu (暴走外道衆 Bōsō Gedōshū)
Act 24: The True Samurai Combination (真侍合体 Shin Samurai Gattai)
Act 25: The Dream World (夢世界 Yume Sekai)
Act 26: Decisive Match Number One (決戦大一番 Kessen Ōichiban)
Act 28: The Lantern Samurai (提灯侍 Chōchin Samurai)
Act 32: The Ushi Origami (牛折神 Ushi Origami)
Act 33: The Great Bull King (猛牛大王 Mōgyūdaiō)
Act 34: Fatherly Love, Girlish Innocence (親心娘心 Oyagokoro Musumegokoro)
Act 35: The Eleven Origami, The Complete Combination (十一折神全合体 Jūichi Origami Zen Gattai)
Act 39: The Very Urgent First Aid Emergency (救急緊急大至急 Kyūkyū Kinkyū Daishikyū)
Act 40: The Honorable Leader Heads to the Front Lines (御大将出陣 Ontaishō Shutsujin)
Act 42: Two Centuries' Ambition (二百年野望 Nihyakunen no Yabō)
Act 43: One Last Sword (最後一太刀 Saigo no Hitotachi)
Act 44: The Eighteenth Head of the Shiba House (志葉家十八代目当主 Shiba Ke Jūhachidaime Tōshu)
Act 45: The Impersonator (影武者 Kagemusha)
Act 46: The Showdown Clash (激突大勝負 Gekitotsu Ōshōbu)
Act 47: Bonds (絆 Kizuna)
Act 48: The Final Great Decisive Battle (最後大決戦 Saigo no Daikessen)
Closing Act: The Samurai Sentai is Eternal (侍戦隊永遠 Samurai Sentai Eien ni)
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger was adapted as Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai


  1. Glad to see these lists are still being worked on. :) I think I could help out with a season for you. For Ninja Sentai Kakuranger (I haven't started this list until Episode 18 so I don't remember what's filler prior), I skipped episodes 18, 19, 21, 22, 32, 34, 35, 37-41, 45-49 (I don't know if there are important Kakuranger episodes among them but I skipped them based on each synopsis)

    1. Thanks for the comments! I'm currently working on Dairanger which so far of the old sentai is the one with less filler. I only seen the first few episodes of Kaku, but I'll write down your part of the list when I get to the Sentai and I'll give you credit for it.

    2. Thanks. ^^ You don't really need to credit me when you do get to Kakuranger but it's fine either way.
