Thursday, November 26, 2020

Battle Fever J fast track watch list


 Let's go back to the old school sentai again! This time with Battle Fever J! Battle Fever J was part of a now defunct Marvel Comics universe which was co-produced by Stan Lee and Toei.

This list, compiled by our follower Sabrina and edited by us, contains the most important episodes to watch for this Super Sentai. By important we mean: New weapons, new villains, new rangers, character revelations, deaths, new powers, new mecha/zords, and introduction of allies, etc. 

    Ep. 1: Assault!! Run to the Ballpark (突撃!! 球場へ走れ Totsugeki!! Kyūjō e Hashire)
    Ep. 3: Search for the Spy! (スパイを探せ! Supai o Sagase!)
    Ep. 4: It's a Super-Powered Trap! (超魔力の罠だ! Chōriki no Wana da!)
    Ep. 5: The Great Robot Dogfight (ロボット大空中戦 Robotto Dai Kūchūsen)
    Ep. 7: The House Burns!! (お家が燃える!! O-ie ga Moeru!!)
    Ep. 19: The World's Strongest Beauty!! (世界最強の美女!! Sekai Saidai Kyō no Bijo)
    Ep. 24: Tears! Diane Falls (涙! ダイアン倒る Namida! Daian Taoru)
    Ep. 26: The Bandage Man's Masked Report (包帯男の仮面報告 Hōtai Otoko no Kamen Hōkoku)
    Ep. 33: Cossack Dies for Love (コサック愛に死す Kosakku Ai ni Shisu)
    Ep. 34: The Dark General Who Laughs at Hell (地獄で笑う闇将軍 Jigoku de Warau Yami Shōgun)
    Ep. 50: The Masked Demon Who Aims for the General (将軍を狙う覆面鬼 Shōgun o Nerau Fukumen Oni)
    Ep. 51: Egos' Revival Ceremony (エゴス復活の儀式 Egosu Fukkatsu no Kishiki)
    Ep. 52: The Symphony of the Heroes (英雄たちの交響曲 Eiyūtachi no Kōkyōkyoku)


Battle Fever J hasn't been licensed in the United States.



  1. very good friend, i'm checking out denjiman now to tell you

  2. I don’t remember anymore, but I think the ep 37 is about the general / shogun being highlighted about an ep, it’s not really canonical, but his highlight is always good too so I can add, like the same ep 37 of battle fever can be ignored

  3. Replies
    1. I'll write it down as the next sentai to fast track

  4. Thanks for the list man. Do you need help with other tokus? I'm watching Go-onger rn and it's noticiable the fillers eps that doesn't add anything to the main story. If you want, I can help. But stay awesome! Thanks for the blog.

    1. I'll write down Go-Onger for the next round. I'm looking for people that know more about Kamen Rider. Would like to know if there are any filler on that show? People have given me mixed answers

    2. i saw kamen rider showa, i have a list of ichigo 1971 that i found on reddit but v3 the stronger are episodes connecting each other, they are not filler so to speak but skyrider and super one mainly i can help (amazon should only have about 3 ep filler in the end because it's my favorite showa rider)

    3. What about the ultraman series, Sabrina? Do you have any tips? I watched one, it was 80. The beginning was very promising but soon the plot changed and it was very tiring.

  5. Please make a guide to kamen Rider series too!

    1. I'm looking for more information in regards to Kamen Rider. Someone told me that Kamen Rider doesn't have filler, but I would need to verify that.

    2. Depends on the period. For the olders is extremely necessary.
      Kamen Rider of Showa Era have so many fillers. I am watching KR Stronger and some episodes are so exhausting.
      But for the Heisei Era filler guides is not exatcly necessary.

    3. showa period only has ichigo, skyrider and super one only

    4. even if some episode appears to be filler, it has a connection with the next, stronger was a good series the way it is and the manga creates interconnection about what was in the series, especially the stronger one because the ending was quite sad, even you find filler in ichigo, skyrider and mainly super one, super one you wait for the macro terror to die, watch 2 episodes and skip to the last 2 in the series that will not miss anything in the series (you skip about 20 direct filler episodes in super one, the series most annoying of all the existing kamen rider)

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  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. i'm close to completing the denjiman list, i'm happy if someone helps me make some sentai showa that doesn't have a list yet, i'll post the denziman in the topger comments (many sit down to update me hahaha)
